Meet a Napconian: Valtteri Karttunen on the Project Management Team.
Valtteri Karttunen / 03 Feb 2020
Hi Valtteri, How did you get a summer job at NAPCON?
I got a summer job during the spring of 2018. I first heard about NAPCON at the ContactExpo event in Turku and searched for more information about NAPCON online. After the application, a few emails were exchanged, a video interview was arranged and finally a face to face interview was organized. Then I got a phone call and I was told that I was selected to join the NAPCON Project Management team as a Summer Trainee. The position was my first job that was related to my studies of information systems and management. I already had some experience of project management, and I think it affected the hiring decision. After the summer, I was able to continue on the team as an hourly employee, and finally, after finalized my Master’s thesis, I got a permanent job.
NAPCON is part of Neste and I thought that the summer trainee position offers good opportunities to continue to work for the company after the summer. I had the idea that I could also get a thesis topic through the summer job. Also the job description seemed appropriate and quite a few other companies were able to provide project management positions for summer employees at the time I applied for this job. The Turku office was a huge advantage since I studied at Turku School of Economics. NAPCON has a great variety of tasks available and you will be able to influence future job descriptions as well. To apply for the positions you don’t necessarily need to have a broad knowledge of background or highly advanced studies. The right person for the Summer Trainee positions can also be found with smaller merits if you have the right mindset and good growth potential.
What makes you curious?
It’s interesting to work with people from different backgrounds and meet new people. Learning new is always inspiring. When you are working at NAPCON you have a lot of knowledge around you and by using that power you can easily develop yourself. Working as a project manager also offers possibilities to get to know how to handle stakeholder relationships. It’s inspiring to see that you have an opportunity to influence the results your projects bring to your customers through your everyday work.