The MOL Operator Championship was played with NAPCON Games Distiller - NAPCON

The MOL Operator Championship was played with NAPCON Games Distiller

Press release / 19 Dec 2018

MOL Group organized an Operator Championship with NAPCON Games Distiller between five MOL refineries and petrochemical plants during Autumn 2018. There were several teams competing in the semi-finals representing each production facility. Finals of the competition were held in Battaring, Szazhalombatta in Hungary during December.

As part of the digitalized learning path introduced by NAPCON, NAPCON Games complement well classroom and simulator training.

“I think operators are one of the most important workers in a production facility. We need talented and well trained operators to secure safe and efficient operations. The operators have really liked playing this training game and would like to continue training with them”, says Kornel Csernik, Competency Development Senior Expert, MOL Group.

“It’s great to recognise how seriously MOL takes competence development and new digital training methods in use. We are pleased to see the great response from operators and trainers alike on how effective and fun training can be with NAPCON Games”, says Jyri Lindholm, Head of Product Management, NAPCON, Neste Engineering Solutions.

The finals were very exciting and competition was tight between the talented operators. The excitement and concentration could be felt during the tough finals day. During the five rounds each team member played one mission per round to define team scores for the round. The winning team with most wins was Slovnaft, while INA Sisak came in second and MOL third.

More information on our products to make your production, logistics, training, data analysis and reporting more effective can be found on

For more information, please contact:
Frejborg Andreas, Head of Customer Relations, NAPCON. Please contact Neste’s media service, tel. +358 50 458 5076 / (weekdays from 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. EET).


MOL Group in brief
MOL Group is a leading integrated Central & East European oil and gas corporation headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. It has operations in over 30 countries and employs 26,000 people worldwide. MOL’s exploration and production activities are supported by 80 years’ experience in the hydrocarbon field. Read more:

Neste Engineering Solutions in brief
Neste Engineering Solutions offers engineering, procurement, construction and project management services for the Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals and Bio-industries. Our NAPCON products enhance process industry production optimization, quality and logistics, as well as operator training with simulators and games. We work in close cooperation with our strategic customers and have world-class knowhow in technology development and industrial investment projects. In addition to our head office in Porvoo, Finland, we operate in international Neste locations such as Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Rotterdam, Gothenburg, and in selected customer project sites. Neste Engineering Solutions employs approx. 1500 engineering professionals globally. Read more:,


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